6 pm at Sky Valley Country Club
Meal TBD
$30 per person for members and $45 per person for guests
Make reservations by TBD: Email Grace Guess (click the name to email); she will email your confirmation.
Pay SVPOA for meals with cash or check. Pay the country club for bar beverages and corkage fees (if you bring your own wine) with cash, credit card, or club member account.
Cancellations must be received by TBD, or you will be asked to pay for your meal.
Rubber Duck Race
10-11 a.m. Register on the walking trail bridge / 11 a.m. Race begins
Grand Parade
10:30-11:30 Parade entries line up on Tahoe Lane / 11:45 a.m. Parade begins
Hot Dog Cafe
Sky Valley/Scaly Mountain Fire Department serves at City Pavilion after parade
Sid Weber Cancer Fund BBQ
Pick up pre-orders 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Lakeside Pavilion / Buy tickets in advance at
Fireworks over the Lake
At dark
CITY FALL FEST – Saturday, October 18
10-4 along Sky Valley Way
Arts & crafts, car show, live music, children’s activities, hayrides
SVPOA GOING AWAY PARTY – Saturday, October 11
6 pm at Sky Valley Country Club
Heavy appetizers and bar beverages
$30 per person for members and $45 per person for guests
Make reservations by TBD: Email Grace Guess (click the name to email); she will email your confirmation.
Pay SVPOA for meals with cash or check. Pay the country club for bar beverages and corkage fees (if you bring your own wine) with cash, credit card, or club member account.
Cancellations must be received by TBD, or you will be asked to pay for your meal.
8-10 a.m. at the Lakeside Pavilion – OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
Pancakes, eggs, grits, sausage, biscuits, coffee and juice
$10 adults & children age 12 and older / $5 children age 5-11 / no charge for children age 4 and younger
Cash or checks ONLY (no credit cards)
– May 26 (Monday)
– June 14
– July 5
– August 30
– October 4
VOLUNTEERS are needed to help cook, serve and clean up:
Email Luke Fogarty (click name to email).